Eat My Heart Out
Greetings from Italy. I wrote this pre-departure as to not skip a Wednesday and funny enough it’s Valentine’s Day. It is more of an advertisement for a playlist.
The other week I was in Target. There was a sign above the stationary display that said: “Valentine’s Day is Wednesday February 14th.” So true.
This past weekend I had a conversation with a friend about how he feels like he is ready to fall in love again. I concurred that would be a nice thing to experience, again, but unlike him I am not too sure if I am ready. There are too many things at play for it to happen: Another person and me.
Yet, I do think of that saying about how if you waited to do anything until you felt like it, you’d never get around to doing anything. Maybe that is why we have to “fall in love.” The rug gets pulled and in an instant you go down a little too quickly, because if you saw the end of the road coming you might tap the brakes and miss the good part.
Some months ago, I was on an evening stroll and came upon one of those little free libraries and picked up Reik’s Of Love and Lust. In the first few pages he writes, “Love is one of the most overworked words in our vocabulary.”
He continues,“Love is, I think, the most successful attempt to escape our loneliness and isolation. It is an illusion like every search for human perfection, but it is a necessary illusion.”
While a psychoanalysis on love can only make so much sense of something inherently nonsensical, I think the sentiment is nice. Especially on a day that can make many feel particularly lonely or loved, depending who you ask. The dream girl or dream guy only exist in our psyches. However, I do believe you can get really close to your dreamboat person, and live a little in a illusion, which in someways is ‘dream’ spelled differently.
Regardless of loose ends on love, I made a Valentine’s playlist. Songs with lines that ring true. Some of it is sad, some of it happy, and most of it love drunk. What a silly day to celebrate an angel baby with a bow and arrow infecting those with hubba hubba heart eyes. Happy love day, I hope you get a wet kiss on the mouth. XoXo.