A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Things I jotted down while I was a world away: “Inside me five girls shout in Italian wanting life to be one longggg vacation” -Algebra Suicide, ‘Somewhat Bleecker Street’

“His dentist is in Brazil, so when his teeth got fucked up he had to fly to Brazil” -Joe’s friend Shay talking about (I think) her boyfriend or a brother or friend of said boyfriend.

I’m worried you’re lonely and I know that’s none of my business.

Bukowski is in Bologna on a bathroom wall facing the toilet. It just makes sense.

Reunion in a Crosswalk; Yellow Light (the two older Italian couples who embraced in the crowded footpath, while the green turned yellow and then red).

“It was quite political at the time” -Galaxie 500 on Galaxie 500, while Joe, Marley, and I sipped lambrusco and then put the Dean Martin show back on.

When push comes to love… And the fact that I was sitting diagonally across from Joe and the lighting was perfect and we spilled on the tablecloth and Marley was in the bathroom and we told her about the wooden toilet seat and the low sink. When she went to wash her hands and flush a toilet— hopefully, in the alternative order– Joe and I discussed what we talk about incessantly: love—(but Europe tends to bring out a Romantic’s day dream a little to easily).

I don’t want to crash into the Dolomites, although what a way to go out, no? (my plane had a fuel leak)

A day late and a dollar short. I got stuck in Paris and walked and sat and stared and ate steak frites and drank some Sancerre and a woman asked me for directions because she said [about me to her daughter, while I was in ear shot] “She looks like she knows how to get to the Eiffel Tower”. What a funny thing, to look like you know where things are and how to get to places.


There Were Nuns, Ghosts, and it Snowed in Reno


Eat My Heart Out