Pillow Talk
Regardless of the fact that every rug store is going out of business or how every liquor store is under new management,
I cannot help but wonder why there are mattress sales on Presidents’ Day?
The annual February Monday is just like every other American Monday Holiday,
it is in memoriam of someone else’s job.
I wonder why we are all so tired and if the reason is related to why certain storefronts decorate with promotional zzz’s and tempurpedic remotes.
The rationale being if we all lay down atop a discount mattress,
while red rose petals bleed into a rug purchased at a liquidation sale after drinking liquor store pinot noir we wouldn’t be so tired.
Maybe this is somehow related to those heart shaped boxes of chocolate in drugstore checkout lines?
I wonder what it would feel like to have chocolate stuck in my molars, while the backs of my naked knees glue themselves against satin sheets bought for the sake of having a Valentine.
(It would look like you and me lying prone on a full size mattress):
I stare up at the ceiling fan,
losing the moment in 360 degree motion air that smells like you and me,
picturing the mattress store sales man with his greasy slicked hair and a powder blue button up,
when he said, “Everything is half off except single mattresses.”
When did twins become singles?
When did doubles become fulls?
Maybe because two halves make a whole thus, making something full and a twin is really only fit for one..
On the satin fashioned for sale bed,
while the ceiling fan swirls the hot and heavy air around the room,
an Al Green record plays in a similar clockwise motion.
We two people lie next to each other after a Valentine lay.
And after the fact he/you turns to me and says sweet nothings.
I move my eyes from the ceiling fan to his/your face and think,
maybe mattresses go on sale this time of year because I am so tired of being alone?