How to Eat Clams in French
I wrote this a long time ago and think the title is the best part.
It really was a splendid day.
The kind of one where not very much happened, but what did was unremarkably special.
We drove home stopping to get clams and mussels.
We made the clams and luckily had some old wine in the the fridge (for the clams, not us)
The clams got steamed in butter and garlic and parsley and old white wine.
We ate clams and learned that the word for clams in French is Palourdes.
Looking at each other in our pebble colored eyes saying over and over again “Palourdes.”
It sounds like Pal - Loo - Ohrds.
Clams. Pa Loo Ohrds. Paloords. Palourdes.
Pa Loo Ohrds is how you say clams in French,
But in order to eat clams in French a few things must align.
You must drink water out of a martini glass (garnished with a maraschino cherry)
You must play Italian film score music and keep wondering if it is French.
You must think about butter consumption.
You must fumble over the foreign sound coming out of your mouth paloords in between slurps of mollusks and sips of cherry garnished tap water (from a martini glass).