Boiled Chicken and Hedonism
Waking up to no alarm and the disappointment of wasting the morning light dreaming of false scenarios; also boiled chicken.
This morning was a funny one.
An old flame was making me coffee in a cramped galley style kitchen. He was explaining to me that the girl who lived in the room, just off of this kitchen, and he had a sexual rendezvous. He never was quite into her per se, but he was making me coffee and telling me about it.
The impression I got was that he was trying to woo me. He was describing what he liked and disliked about this girl I do not know.
Meanwhile my conscious mind was thinking, while his depiction of everything faded to mumbled tones. I was watching him haphazardly scoop coffee grounds into a filter lined sieve. I started to feel dirty in this nightmare-ish kitchen. The counters were full of bags of rice or empty cracker boxes and it was dark. And he was standing so close to me.
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. It kept vibrating enough where it prompted me to see why–someone was writing to me. It was Marley sharing her fennel chicken salad topped with pomegranate seeds and the explanation of why she boiled her chicken (she did not want to clean a pan or a baking sheet).
The time was 10:45 and my day started off disappointed and I thought about boiled chicken.
There was no reason for me to rise out of the twin bed in the childhood bedroom before the sun gave the sky some color—and really no reason for me to have not kept watching the imaginary figure in the nightmare kitchen make me coffee and tell me a story with zero point. I have no job at the moment, but seem to be pursuing pleasure whenever I can get it.
Hedonistic Tendencies mean no alarm in the morning and lack of an agenda. It is about living in California so close to the blue edge–the Pacific.
But so much pleasure, like too much of a good thing, negates itself. That is why I imagine that there is death, heartbreak, injury, and insults. Without it there would be nothing worth living for and no chicken to boil.