7 Days Out
I woke up Monday morning face down in the exhaustion of a week spent with the least amount of time asleep in my bed.
My face is now framed with short hair that takes the notion of bedhead to another level.
Saturday was a late night, and so was Friday, Thursday too, I can’t forget about last Wednesday, and also there was Tuesday.
But before Saturday turned late, I woke up that morning, went outside only to feel that it was warm. Chloe and I had a scheduled mess around which would eventually lead us to the Russian River’s 90 something degree heat.
We got sandwiches at the corner store that never makes them right.
“No peppers. No Pickles.” (Chloe’s sandwich had pickles and peppers)
“I want everything on it.” (I didn’t get everything I wanted)
We both wore dresses that existed in times that we believe we should have been invited too. Sometimes things get lost in the mail and the space time continuum.
We sprawled on the gray hot river rock beach, traded one sandwich half for another, and split a Fanta. We tanned with our feet at each other’s head and as each song started we broke out in either a:
“I love this song”
“This song is so good”
“I used to listen to this song so much/I forgot about this song”
I did ask at one point “What song is this?” (and have now been listening to the song on repeat)
We swam and floated and dunked our heads under the river water. At one point we sat on the shallow shore and watched a group of four boys who were tossing a water gun around. We figured out the rules (we think). One player to start each round shoots the water gun three times at each player announcing with each trigger pull, “uno, dos, tres!” Then the green light of it all are the three shots of water up towards the sky, “UNO DOS TRES!” After that, the gun gets thrown around while one player in the middle tries to get it. It is a game of monkey in the middle of the river.
The boys were laughing and playing and splashing and when we were going to wade back towards our towels, Chloe interfered. The water gun landed by her knee and as she bent down to get it so did one of the boys. She shot him with the water, “Uno, Dos, Tres!” We started splashing them and the boys started splashing us. It was fun and sweet and Chloe and I really need to start to finish writing our children's book series.
So, Saturday was sweet and fun and folly filled, but so were the other days leading up to it. Friday I went to a part of town I had not yet been to. Thursday I saw my Grandmother’s favorite musicians live and realized that the best beer to drink is the first one at a concert. Wednesday I sat in a park while the sun went down and saw a friend I had not seen in sometime, only to wonder when I will see him again—because the last time I saw him he did not have a rug and now he does so I wonder what is going to be going on his walls next. Tuesday was Karaoke at Kilowatt after I got a haircut that made me feel like the prettiest I have ever been. Monday was one day I cannot remember much about other than knowing I worked and ate a salad for lunch and the day after (Tuesday) I got my haircut and sang “Soak Up the Sun” to a bar full of people on 16th street in the mission. The week concluded with a cloudy Sunday that differentiated itself from the rest of the sunny hot week. On Sunday I drove Jake to pick up his bag he left behind. He noted that we have known each other for almost a year now. Give me a few more weeks and everything becomes a year from here, and a year until then. Just you wait. (Patiently)