Twenty Four Things I Would Like to Have As I Am Now 24 Years Old:
A three day weekend
A kitchen aid stand mixer
A dutch oven
More freckles
For summer to come faster
This shampoo and conditioner
More slip skirts that are not silk, but cotton
To eventually live in a house with climbing star jasmine
NYT cooking subscription
SF Chronicle Newspaper Subscription (so I can stop taking it from the grocery store and feeling bad about it)
Subscription to the New Yorker (so I will acquire a stack of them in my room that make me feel well read even if it is via proximity)
Subscription to a magazine or something of your choice (or these flats)
More jewelry (earrings, rings, necklaces)
Give strangers more compliments
An herb garden
Eat oysters and drink champagne (together)
To dance to this song and have it played really really loud
A dinner I cook for everyone I love that has a batch cocktail (the kind in crystal punch bowls) we sip on while having Hors d’oeuvres and then a big kitchen table set with flowers I arranged and a menu I hand wrote out, we will laugh that we cry and talk about art and gossip and sip on great wine and then go dancing (even if it is just in the kitchen).